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There is an ongoing trend now to make smarter choices as it pertains to planting and water conservation. In this article the author talks about drought resistant plants and makes recommendations for Florida.
From the Article....
In northern Florida:
* Flowers - Black-eyed Susans, Milkweed, Violets
* Trees - Florida Maple, Eastern Redbud, River Burch
* Shrubs - Carolina Aster, False Rosemary, Hawthorn
In central Florida:
* Flowers - Spotted Horsemint, Tickseed, Rudbeckia
* Trees - Sweet Acacia, Black Mangrove, Gumbo Limbo
* Shrubs - Groundsel Tree, Beautyberry, Century Plant
In southern Florida:
* Flowers - Canna Lily, Amaranth, Pawpaw
* Trees - Wild Cinnamon, Fiddlewood, Marlberry
* Cocoplum, Leather Fern, Jamaica Caper Tree